Week 50
I did a really rubbish job of not working during this week. It wasn’t full-time or anything - I was just occasionally checking Slack and emails, and then jumping in and helping out with things that either only I could do or I could do much more quickly/confidently than anyone else. Reflection: In our rush to get everything working, and while permanent staff aren’t in place, a handful of us hold a disproportionate amount of organisational, policy and service design knowledge - and that is a problem. It’s a priority to spread things round a little more in January and February - not just so that folks like me can fully switch off, but also for continuity and resilience in the service and org.
I spent time hand-writing real Christmas cards for folks I have addresses for; and designing and sending virtual Christmas cards for friends and colleagues past and present. Reflection: I don’t often enough tell people I respect and care for that I appreciate them and are grateful to have them in my life. 2025 needs to be a year of reconnection.
Youngest had a sleepover with a friend. Dog had a haircut (and is cold, so has to wear a jumper…why did we do that again?). And I caught up with the group of mums I met at antenatal classes whilst pregnant with my eldest 13 years ago - we had dinner, drinks and a lot of laughs. Reflection: we do secret santa, and one of the mum’s reminded me earlier in the day to remember to bring mine. I left the wrapped gift by the front door so that I wouldn’t forget it - and I believe this is precisely why I forgot it. I had underestimated how much I rely on that niggling sense that I’ve forgotten something to make me remember. If I hadn’t put it in a place that “would guarantee I’d take it with me”, my brain wouldn’t have considered that task closed (Zeigarnik effect) and I’d have likely remembered just as I was heading out of the door. Of course, we can’t know the counterfactual. But I wonder what other contexts I apply this strategy in, as I’m clearly doing it unintentionally.
I wrapped all the remaining Christmas gifts. Sent four parcels up to Scotland for my sister, mum, dad and aunts/uncles. Made some lavender-scented wax melts as a gift. (Do let me know if you want some, I’ve plenty of spare wax left - and lots of scents).